adnan's kitchen


  •  1 Chicken or 1 kg. lamb shanks
  •  Large bunch muloukhia leaves (whole)
  •  1 bunch green coriander
  •  6- cloves garlic
  •  1 large onion
  •  1 lemon
  •  Salt & black pepper to taste





Molokheyyah was consumed in Ancient Egyptian cuisine, where the name "Molokheyyah" originates. Many Egyptians consider molokheyyah to be the national dish along with Ful Medammes and Koshari.
For reasons that remain unclear, the dish was banned by the Fatimid Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah sometime during his reign (996-1021 CE). While the ban was eventually lifted after the end of his reign, the Druze, who hold Al-Hakim in high regard, continue to respect the ban, and do not eat molokheyyah of any kind to this day.

Adnan's Kitchen
Green Muloukhia with Chicken
(Fresh Muloukhiyya with Chicken )



  1. Boil Chicken/ meat with a pinch of  black pepper and onions until done.
  2. Remove chicken/ meat from  the broth.
  3. Turn chicken/ meat with garlic, both whole and mashed and some green coriander for a few minutes in cooking pan.
  4. Add the Muloukhia leaves for a few more minutes and turn all.
  5. Add broth gradually according to desired thickness and let cook for nearly one hour with occasional turning.
  6. Before serving, fry some coriander with garlic and add to the Muloukhia.
  7. Place chicken/ meat in oven with a quantity of onion slices, lemon , salt and spices or simply place on top of the Muloukhia plate.
    Serve hot with rice on the side, and some lemon juice if desired